Really dumb idea, but maybe we can have some sort of like Score Rank based on the trophies we unlock and the difficulty of them? I know it seems a tad redundant, and it is, but I was just wondering what others felt.
Each color for the trophies represents a separate magnitude of tier. Bronzes (1-3) get 1 point each, Silver (4-6) get 4 points each, Golds get 7 each, and Crystals get 10.
Ultimately, this gives Lifetime Trophies Set a total of 46 points towards your Mastery Score.
This also would give Song Specific Trophies Set (Jonny's idea) a possible 22 points of Mastery Score.
With these points i think it would reward working hard for more points through the higher difficulty tier trophies, with higher payout of points than breezing by with lower tiers.
I propose there to be Mastery Ranks with cut-offs set in place within reason, and every time you level up your Mastery Rank a new level, you get a nice StylePoint Reward.
For example, let's say that the cut off minimum points to be Mastery Rank 2 is around 10 points. I can go about this many ways, for earning 10 bronze (tier 1 - 3) trophies, or i can focus on one set of trophies and level up my set to 5, which will give me 11 points (1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4). This rewards working harder on your sets rather than just accumulating easier trophies.
While each rank gives a certain StylePoint pay-out for achieving, I also think it'd be cool to have a chart with your trophies on your profile that tracks the number of Mastery Score you have and which Mastery Rank you are at.
Stupid idea i know. Just putting it on paper cuz yeah.
Earning X amount of Bronze Trophies gives you a [BRZ] or [B] tag that you can use in MP or on the forums. Maybe even chat, but with all the shit in chat already i doubt that'd be reasonable.
Earning X amount of Silver Trophies gives you a [SVR] or [S] tag that you can use in MP or on the forums.
Earning X amount of Gold Trophies gives you a [GLD] or [G]tag that you can use in MP or on the forums.
Earning X amount of Platinum/Crystal Trophies gives you a [PLT]/[P] or[CYS]/[C]tag that you can use in MP or on the forums.
Same idea as A: but the values change from being color-tier related, to being overall tier related. This being tier 1 trophies awards 1 point, 2's award 2 points, ... , tier 10 awards the highest amount of 10.
Ultimately, this gives Lifetime Trophies Set a total of 55 points towards your Mastery Score.
This however only gives Song Specific Trophies Set (Jonny's idea) a possible 10 points of Mastery Score.
I'm bored at work and just writing shit. halp.
open the door get on the floor everybody walk the dinosaur
Thank you,
Really dumb idea, but maybe we can have some sort of like Score Rank based on the trophies we unlock and the difficulty of them? I know it seems a tad redundant, and it is, but I was just wondering what others felt.

Each color for the trophies represents a separate magnitude of tier. Bronzes (1-3) get 1 point each, Silver (4-6) get 4 points each, Golds get 7 each, and Crystals get 10.
Ultimately, this gives Lifetime Trophies Set a total of 46 points towards your Mastery Score.
This also would give Song Specific Trophies Set (Jonny's idea) a possible 22 points of Mastery Score.
With these points i think it would reward working hard for more points through the higher difficulty tier trophies, with higher payout of points than breezing by with lower tiers.
I propose there to be Mastery Ranks with cut-offs set in place within reason, and every time you level up your Mastery Rank a new level, you get a nice StylePoint Reward.
For example, let's say that the cut off minimum points to be Mastery Rank 2 is around 10 points. I can go about this many ways, for earning 10 bronze (tier 1 - 3) trophies, or i can focus on one set of trophies and level up my set to 5, which will give me 11 points (1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 4). This rewards working harder on your sets rather than just accumulating easier trophies.
While each rank gives a certain StylePoint pay-out for achieving, I also think it'd be cool to have a chart with your trophies on your profile that tracks the number of Mastery Score you have and which Mastery Rank you are at.
Stupid idea i know. Just putting it on paper cuz yeah.
Earning X amount of Bronze Trophies gives you a [BRZ] or [B] tag that you can use in MP or on the forums. Maybe even chat, but with all the shit in chat already i doubt that'd be reasonable.
Earning X amount of Silver Trophies gives you a [SVR] or [S] tag that you can use in MP or on the forums.
Earning X amount of Gold Trophies gives you a [GLD] or [G]tag that you can use in MP or on the forums.
Earning X amount of Platinum/Crystal Trophies gives you a [PLT]/[P] or[CYS]/[C]tag that you can use in MP or on the forums.
Same idea as A: but the values change from being color-tier related, to being overall tier related. This being tier 1 trophies awards 1 point, 2's award 2 points, ... , tier 10 awards the highest amount of 10.
Ultimately, this gives Lifetime Trophies Set a total of 55 points towards your Mastery Score.
This however only gives Song Specific Trophies Set (Jonny's idea) a possible 10 points of Mastery Score.
I'm bored at work and just writing shit. halp.
open the door get on the floor everybody walk the dinosaur
Thank you,